Hygiene and prevention
Periodic checkups and high-quality professional oral hygiene sessions as well as careful home oral hygiene can prevent many dental problems.
Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric dentistry is the branch of dentistry that deals with the treatment of the youngest patients, with only milk teeth or with mixed dentition.
Surgery in the dental field is almost always minimally invasive, does not require preparation such as hospitalization or fasting and the postoperative course is generally fast and relatively painless.
Headaches, bruxism, neck pain and tinnitus: Gnathology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of these annoying disorders.
Orthodontics is the branch that deals with preventing, intercepting and correcting any anomaly of function or position of both teeth and jaw bones.
Periodontology deals with the study and treatment of all pathologies and anomalies that can affect the periodontium or the set of supporting tissues of the tooth such as gum, bone and periodontal ligament.
Restorative dentistry
Restorative dentistry is the branch that takes care in an aesthetic and painless way, of teeth damaged by decay lesion.
Endodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with the therapy of the innermost portion of the tooth, commonly referred to as “nerve” or dental pulp.
Whitening and dental aesthetics
The main cosmetic dentistry interventions are dental whitening and dental veneers.
Prosthetic dentistry
Dental prosthetic devices are responsible for replacing, in the most natural and mimetic way possible, both the teeth and the supporting tissues that have been lost.
All on four treatment in 24 hours
With this technique it is possible to restore an entire arch in a fixed way in a few hours.
Implantology is the branch of dentistry that deals with replacing damaged teeth that are no longer treatable.